October is a great time to get on with your autumn gardening jobs. You can make a big impact while growing begins to slow down.

✓ Lawn Work – Get your lawn mowed and ready for the winter. Use lawn feed to supplement it over the winter months. It will thank you with luscious green grass in the spring.

✓ Hedge and Bush Care – Trim your hedges and bushes. Remove any dead or broken stems and deadhead old flowers. This gets them in top condition for the dormancy of winter.

✓ Pristine Pots – Clear out any annual plants, trim perennials and tidy your pots up. Add some winter pansies if you would like a little colour through the winter months. Raise them off the ground to minimise water-logging.

✓ Tidy Up Borders – Tidy your border edges and then protect the plant roots with wood chips or compost. This will look lovely over the winter and make sure your garden is ready for spring.

✓ Instant Nature – Be a bird friendly space this winter and add a birdbath and feeders to your garden. You will help preserve wildlife over the long, hard months of winter.

October is the perfect time to get out and finish up those jobs in your garden. Prepare it for the months ahead, so you can truly enjoy the spring.