If you’re wondering how to keep the kids or grandkids entertained this half-term, why not start by letting them loose in the garden?

It’s a great way to get them outdoors and teach them about nature. Here are six fun gardening activities that can be done at this time of year when there is a break in the clouds.

1. Give your child their own patch of garden to work on. They can dig over the plot with a trowel and add some compost.

2. Next, get them clearing up any fallen leaves and piling them up. As the leaves rot, they turn into mulch that can be added to the soil.

3. Herbs such as rosemary, thyme and sage are available at Homeleigh and can be planted right away in your child’s patch to get them started.

4. Although it’s too early to sow seeds outdoors, sprinkle mustard seeds on dampened kitchen paper towel on a plastic tray indoors. Seeds will germinate in days and give your child a taste for growing things.

5. Put seed or suet balls out for the birds and count how many varieties visit your garden.

6. As well as food, birds need water. It’s simple to create a bird bath from a shallow dish or old terracotta pot and surround it with large flat stones.
